Score Icons

Clear sustainability ratings for all FMCG products

Customers trust our Impact Score® ratings to help them make more sustainable shopping choices, with 83% 'swapping out' to buy a more sustainable product as a result - it works!!

3 different detergent products with their impact score

Simple and clear.

Show your customers the ESG impact of every product they plan to buy

Ecover washing liquid with impact score

Feel good factor.

Help customers feel good by guiding them towards products with a better Impact Score®

Basket showing impact score of F could be a C if products are swapped

Brand loyalty.

Reward them for making sustainable shopping swaps and improving their basket's overall Impact Score®

Hand holding mobile phone with app open

Consumer apps

Our free mobile apps have been helping customers bridge their sustainability intent-action gap since 2018.

logos of various companies who certify and validate the ratings process


We measure thousands of data points across products and companies, working with a network of researchers and certification bodies, and applying complex algorithms, to create sustainability ratings. Academics validate the whole process - learn more here>

Great idea - simple and easy to use app to make us all think about the impact of our every day decisions and behaviours.

App User 'Artmeup'

Our data is unique and creates actionable insights at many levels.

Using our first party data, you’ll gain insights and benchmarks at consumer, company, brand, category, and product levels.


App downloads


Rated products


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Take the lead - get in touch!

We're on a mission to help retailers build deeper relationships with their customers and guide them towards making more sustainable shopping choices. Want to know more? Complete the form and our retailer team will be in touch.

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